Knowing How To Treat Colic

Knowing How To Treat Colic

Knowing How To Treat Colic in babies

The Discomfort Of Colic 

     Whenever a child cries continuously for long periods of time, it could be a problem with digestion and chronic irritation in the stomach. baby could suffer from spasms and obstruction in the intestines – this is known as ‘colic’ 

      A baby usually starts colic at the age of 3 weeks and this continues up to 4 months when it stops. The severity could vary with each episode – it is usually because an invader is formed in the intestine, but there are times when it could be very severe and lead to a digestive problem in who case you should contact your doctor immediately.

Facts About Colic 

      If there is non-stop crying from a baby for over 3 hours a day for over 3 weeks at least thrice a week, then the baby can be said to have colic. Colic usually starts when the child is 3 weeks old and lasts till it is 4 months old when it stops. 

      Researchers feel that the baby is in a new environment and this could affect its nervous system. Also, once the child starts crying it cannot stop. But it must be noted that colic is normal and not a disorder, but there is a possibility of a digestive problem if certain eating like cow’s milk or medication transmitted through mother’s milk disagrees with the baby. 

     You will know that your baby has colic when you see that he is irritable and cries all the time even if he is comforted. Also, there are the signs from a swollen and hard abdomen, clenched fists, and knees drawn to the chest. 

     Usually, it is the gas that has not been released that causes the pain, but if a baby’s stool has mucus or blood, or the child has a temperature and vomits, then this could be a digestive disorder and needs to be seen by a doctor who will be able to help you deal for the problem.

      New parents find it especially difficult to deal with colic, as the baby is inconsolable. This one makes the parent feel overwhelmed with guilt – a feeling of helplessness creeps in coupled with failure and of course, total exhaustion. It is best to seek medical help, but make sure that you do not give the baby medication or supplements without consulting a doctor. 

      There are various forms of treatment that can be done both at the hospital and at home. A pacifier at home is a good idea, also rocking the baby to sleep and soothing music, as also a change in diet. Always consult the doctor before giving the baby any medication or a change in food. There are invader relieving medications available like Simenthicone drops like Maalox, and soy or whey-based milk, but again, it should be administered only for the doctor’s approval.

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | Knowing How To Treat Colic |
Last Updated: 29 Oct 20