Natural Remedies For Colic

Natural Remedies For Colic

Natural Remedies For Colic

Colic In Babies Is Normal

     A child suffers from colic in the first few weeks and it usually stops in the fourth month. Although crying for hours can fill a parent with panic, a responsible parent will do everything in his power to soothe and comfort the child.

     There are no drugs that can cure the child of colic, thus parents will have to deal with it as effectively as they can, using naturalistic remedies that can help soothe the infant. 

Different Types Of Natural Remedies 

    Music is a wonderful way of soothing the baby. If you don’t have a tuneful sound, perhaps you can play the music that can be kept near the crib so that the baby can fall asleep. 

    Something else that needs to be looked into is the food consumed by the mama – there are foods that contain gas and this can be passed on to the baby through the mother’s milk. A dietician must be consulted so as to advise the mother on the foods that would be agreeable to the baby. 

   If the baby is not breastfed, then soy milk could be tried instead of the usual baby milk, and this could help with colic.

    In addition to breast milk, children need water – you will have to be careful and check the ingredients written on the package to make sure that your baby is not allergic to any of them. 

    The usual practice is to carry an infant when it screams, but when this becomes tiring, it would be a good idea to take the baby out of the house.

    The infant can be taken in a stroller or firmly strapped in the car so that he can have a restful time with his mother in a park or just go for a ride in the car. 

    Just as adults enjoy a warm bath after work, babies could do with a bath that is warm, not hot, or aromatherapy will soothe the child by placing a warm bag on the infant’s stomach. 

     next, the infant has been in the mother’s womb for 9 months, it is baffling to the infant to face the world with its voice. Keeping an infant close to your breast or wrapping him warmly will help the baby adjust.

    These natural methods will help but not ever, so there are always ways of trying different things to comfort your child. 

    There are many medications available however you will need to use them only in consultation with your doctor. 

      If your infant is diagnosed with colic, thither is no reason for alarm as it is a normal process and not a disorder. Parents should be prepared to give up their sleep in order to comfort their child while make him feel secure. 

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | Natural Remedies For Colic |
Last Updated: 16 Nov 20