Pregnancy: A Beautiful Time

Pregnancy: A Beautiful Time

Pregnancy: A Beautiful Time

Pregnancy is the most exciting and lovely period of a woman's life. This is also one very emotional step a woman goes through in her lifetime. Just imagine how amazing it is to realize that another life is increasing inside you? You get a new life in this world. You are making other human beings, who can talk, walk, do all the things, within you. It is a thing that only God can do as we were told stories when we were kids. It sure is full of anxiety and uncertainty however yet not necessary to have sleepless nights. A mama loves her all babies equally and every pregnancy is always as special to a woman may it be a first one or fourth. A mom always wants and prays for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child. 

Pregnancy Miracle

Pregnancy: Changes

mostly, there is no real way to tell whether a woman is pregnant especially for three months. It’s a doctor's report that assures that the woman is pregnant. However, there are certain symptoms that can tell that a woman is expecting a child. Certain hormonal changes take place in the body when a woman is pregnant. As earlier phase symptoms, you can expect constipation, nausea, backaches, and cramps when you get pregnant. There are other changes also that tell you that you are pregnant. A missed period is one of the most popular pregnancy symptoms. In mere one week after conception, your body undergoes hormonal changes. You start to have backaches, cramps, constipation, and missed periods or bleeding in less than natural are the things you can expect at the early stage of pregnancy. Your breasts become tender and nipples get darker 

Pregnancy: Rest Needed

When you are pregnant, thou need to rest a lot. Your body feels exhausted and gets tired even doing nothing. This might start after one to six weeks and might not be a temporary phase. You might just feel very tired and worn out throughout the pregnancy period. Another something is that you'd be as hungry as anything all the time. Eating is what you just can't stop. But you shouldn't control it. You have to keep in reason that you are eating for two people at that time. However, you should eat healthy and nutritious food only. You can consult with a doctor about what to eat and what to avoid during your pregnancy. During the earlier days of your pregnancy, you might bring very irritated and moody. Mood swings at these times might get worse than those from PMS and it's all due to hormonal surges.

Tags: Pregnancy |
Last Updated: 27 Nov 20