What You Need To Know About Renal Colic

What You Need To Know About Renal Colic

What You Need To Know About Renal Colic

The Symptoms Of Renal Colic 

    When kidney stones start to develop, the pain associated with it is called Renal Colic. The pain is usually in the area of the kidney or below and goes down to the bladder. The pain comes in spurts and at intervals – it is not a continuous pain.

      There are two forms of this colic, one is very severe and the other is dull. The pain depends on the size of the kidney stones, and these stones move into the urinary tract causing severe pain in the bladder or renal area. If the stones are very large, you will need to consult a doctor who will give you medication to relieve the pain. 

     Renal Colic usually has symptoms which help you to consult a doctor for a diagnosis, but there are cases where a patient may not have any symptoms. 

     If there is very severe pain especially while passing urine there could be a block due to kidney stones. You may experience pain in the thighs, genitals, or abdomen, and even in the back and also nausea.

Pain Relief For Renal Colic

    Sometimes the stomach gets swollen and this causes great pain which can be unbearable and will need pain killers. There are other conditions which include chills and fever and a very serious type could be the presence of blood in the urine. This means that portions of the urinary tract have been injured by the kidney stones.

    Quite often, Renal Colic will disappear by itself if the stones are not large and will go through the urinary tract in a natural manner. Nsaid is a drug that is not a steroid, and this is prescribed by doctors to relieve the pain. It is most effective and provides great relief for anyone suffering from Renal Colic. 

    There are also other methods of relieving pain in a natural manner. You could use a hot water bottle which is extremely soothing and will provide relief or even a hot towel over the area will help. If the pain is not too severe, walking is a good way to help in releasing the stones. 

    Unfortunately, if the stones are very large, it will not pass through the urinary tract naturally, and there is no other alternative but surgery. If surgery is not done, the pain will recur, so it is advisable to consult a doctor who will recommend surgery. This will dispense with the problem and relieve the pain and discomfort that you are experiencing. The main focus should be on contacting a specialist in the field who will diagnose your symptoms and provide the necessary care.

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | Renal Colic |
Last Updated: 23 Oct 20