remedy for colic in babies

remedy for colic in babies

remedy for colic in babies

       Parents of newborn babies need to understand that colic is a normal infancy condition, and not a disorder as such that calls for any measure of panic or medical treatment (which there is none by the way, except for some home remedies, endorsed by caregivers who swear it worked for the babies they handled); on the contrary, colicky children need patient care and looking after aside from sleep and rest. Of course, parents might insist they will need it too, which is normal since a severe colicky infant may keep crying and screaming their head off for close to 3-5 hours at a stretch, shattering nerves and any feeling of restfulness, but it will go away with time.

       Nearly 20 percent of newborn babies suffer from colic within 2-3 weeks of birth; it usually goes away by the time the infant is 4 months old, or at the latest, 8months of age. However, there is no permanent cure for treating colic and it is top to let nature take its course (in the colic episodes fading off) though some caregivers of colicky children swear by simple and effective colic remedies, such as giving a pacifier, carrying it for some time, rocking the baby and playing soothing music to lull it to sleep. 

      Parents can take turns to carry the crying baby and walk around for some time, till the child is relaxed and also to give their partner some rest; they can also singing a lullaby or playing a CD with soothing baby-friendly lyrics or instrumental music on it to induce sleep. 

     Those parents that have invested in a child stroller can put it to good use by taking the crying, colicky baby out for a stroll or giving it a warm bath (not hot as infant skin is tender), then massaging the baby's tummy with child oil or lotion and packing it up with a towel to keep the warmth in.

      Since many doctors believe that the source of colic pains may be consumption of gas or allergen producing and triggering foods, a lactating mama should consult a dietician about what would be perfect substitutes for cutting these out of her diet to give the baby relief from colic pain. Some of those include avoiding caffeinated foods and cruciferous veggies. 

     At times, babies may be intolerant to cow's milk or powder milk or even be lactose intolerance; for such babies, soy-based nourishment is advised; at times, air may enter the child's track while being bottle-fed, causing colic pain and it's suggested that new nipples be bought to replace the older ones and parents should burp the infant during and after feeds.

       If all else fails, the use of Simethicone drops is advised for babies that are in severe distress due to colic pain as this is a proven medication that is an accepted colic remedy for severely colicky children. 

      After all, for both babies and caregivers to get rest is essential for their continued wellbeing so trying out these simple home remedies for checking which one suits your child is a good way to getting one step closer to the sleep that eludes you now!

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | remedy for colic in babies |
Last Updated: 02 Nov 20