Colic In Babies - Babies Prone To Colic

Colic In Babies - Babies Prone To Colic

Colic In Babies - Babies Prone To Colic

The Reasons That Babies Cry

     Taking care of a baby is not easy because it is a task that needs to be fulfilled from its birth until it becomes an adult. There are innumerable reasons why a baby cries – it happens when the infant is hungry or irritable, but if the child cries for a length of time, you can surmise that he has colic. Colic is when a baby cries non-stop for more than 3 hours and this can be considered normal till the infant is 4 months old. Those parents who do not know or haven’t read about colic will be in a state of panic, and it is necessary to let them know that this will pass after a few months. Colic cannot be pinned down to any particular reason, so it is more important to get to the problem and relieve the child. Parents may have sleepless nights because the child is restless and cries non-stop. The child will not keep quiet as it does not understand, so the parents may have to carry the infant. The baby may need its feed, and the mother needs to see that the child is burped as this could be a reason for colic.

Helping Your Baby With Relief 

    A good idea would be to take the baby for a ride in a stroller and soothe him with a pacifier. Another method would be to give him a warm bath – this could relieve tension the same way that it does for an adult. – you will need to make sure that the water is not hot. Just as grown-ups get edgy by noise, babies also like a calm atmosphere, so soothing music can be played in case he gets up with a start. Sometimes the mother’s food could contain gas and this is passed on to the child through breast milk – you should talk to your doctor who will give you a diet – if this doesn’t help, you could try Simethicone drops. A monitor placed in the room could also help, and parents could alternate with taking care of the baby. The biological clock of the infant is not like an adult’s, so you will need to cope as best as you can, and remember that colic is normal in babies – it is not a disease and will soon go away.

Tags: colic baby | Colic In Babies | Babies Prone To Colic |
Last Updated: 11 Oct 20