The Relationship Between Breastfeeding And Colic

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding And Colic

The Relationship Between Breastfeeding And Colic

The Value Of Breastfeeding

      When a baby is born, doctors always advise the mother to breastfeed the baby, as the milk is just rightly constituted and contains antibodies that prevent the baby from getting viruses and keeps bad bacteria out. 

      It has been learned through research that an infant can be breastfed until it is 4 years old. Since it will have teeth by this time, mothers may use a pump or go ahead with artificial milk. 

     When a baby cries continuously, it is usually colic, and this is something parents need to deal with as it will eventually subside after about 4 months. 

     There are many doctors who feel that it is the breast milk that causes colic. 

    There are a couple of reasons that this may happen – one is, that while the baby sucks milk it also absorbs air, so the mother should allow the baby to burp after a meal. The second reason could be the food that the mother has taken which could be gaseous and this is passed on to the infant through the milk from the breast and colic is the result. 

Different Ways To Relieve The Baby 

     There is no real indication as to colic in a baby as a result of being breastfed because it is even more frequent in bottle-fed babies. However, the food that is eaten should be made a note of, so anything that upsets the infant can be eliminated. 

A dietician can always help with recommending correct foods.

     Some of the ways in which you can deal with this are to observe your diet, see that the baby burps, and also carry the infant or sing some songs to put him to sleep.

    Another way is to place a CD player near the crib with some nursery rhymes so that outside sounds can be shut out. 

    During the day, a warm bath could help – just as it relieves tension in adults, the same could apply to the baby. 

    If the teeth have already appeared, then the baby can be soothed with a pacifier. This will help all around. 

     There is no harm done if the doctor diagnoses the child as having colic – it is normal and the non-stop crying and anger bouts can be dealt with. It may be difficult for first-time parents, but as time passes they will know exactly what to do to help and relieve the infant. 

     It should be understood by parents that this a phase and will pass after the first few months – they will do all they can to help the child and relieve the pain – also it is hereditary as either one or both of the parents might have had it.

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | The Relationship Between Breastfeeding And Colic |
Last Updated: 21 Oct 20