Colic Relief In Babies

Colic Relief In Babies

Colic Relief In Babies

Colic Is A Common Problem In Babies

    It is a known fact that children are prone to colic and parents are now aware of the condition in their infants and have been told by their parents and previous generations of how to deal with it. Also, there is any number of books available to help a new mother with this problem. 

     Although colic is known about and discussed, not many worlds really understand it, and researchers are baffled as to the cause. They are still doing research on it and so far only know that the pain is from the stomach, but do not know how it originated. 

     Some feel that it is genetic and if the parents had it, then it could be passed onto their offspring. There are other theories that allergens are the reason and still others feel that it could come through breast milk. There is also the theory that it could be gas inside the baby.

The Symptoms Of Colic

     When a baby is 3 weeks old he could get an attack of colic. In premature children, this could be delayed due to the fact that the baby is not formed fully. The highest episodes are in the 2 and month and it gets less in the 3 rd month, but usually stops in the 4 the month. 

     It is important for a parent to be aware of the symptoms and not lose their calm. Colic is not as serious as it is in the case of horses. Horses can die if not treated instantly, and it is absolutely essential to get a veterinarian. In children, it will stop, but again you should be able to distinguish between colic and any other serious complaint. 

     It is essential to seek help from a pediatrician whenever in doubt. There are no real tests for colic – doctors can only eliminate the reason for crying in the infant, but will have to look at other problems like blockage of the intestine or an infection in the stomach. There are cases where a baby’s eye may be scratched or a hernia could also be a possible cause of discomfort. 

    As there is no known reason for colic, there is no real cure. All parents can do is remain calm and keep the infant comfortable. 

    Taking the baby for a walk and wrapping him up warmly will help – also you could play the music that will soothe him. It is essential to note that the infant should not be overfed as it could worsen the situation. It would be a good idea to check with the doctor and find out if the child could be allergic to liquids or certain foods. Allergens could be a cause that could be passed on through breast milk. However, providing relief is the main concern to keep the infant stable.

Tags: colic baby | child Colic | Colic Relief In Babies |
Last Updated: 14 Oct 20